Sunday, May 24, 2015

Whidbey Island Adventure

Welcome to my new blog! I have loved taking my kids on adventures since they were itty bitty. There is something so exciting about exploring a new place. I hope that this blog encourages people to get out and explore

Whidbey Island is a perfect quick day trip from our house. After a 20 minute ferry ride from Mukilteo, you're transported to a whole different pace of life. You can't help but notice the fields of rolling green hills, tall trees, and overall slow pace. I've explored many different areas of the island and love everything the island offers.

Our first objective was to stop at a random bagel shop I had eaten at several years earlier. I've been dreaming about these bagels ever since, so I was quite disappointed when I learned they were not open on Sundays. If you find yourself on the island during the week, please do yourself a favor and stop at Kiichli's Bagel Bakery in Clinton. You will thank me later. 

Our next stop was the town of Langley, which is an area I had never been to. The main point of our stop was to visit the Laburnum arch at Bayview Farm & Garden. I saw a picture of the incredible arch on pinterest, and wanted to make a point to see it this year while it was in bloom. Bayview doesn't open until 9, so we made a quick stop at Seawall Park after driving through the super cute downtown (I would definitely like to check out some of the breakfast places someday!)  It happened to be low tide, so we saw all kinds of interesting things. My mom thought to flip over a rock, and much to our surprise TONS of little crabs scurried out from underneath. It was such a fun discovery.

Our next stop was the Bayview Farm and Garden Store. I have never experienced a nursery like this one. Every single plant was in perfect condition, and there was so much variety. I appreciated the features they had to keep kids interested. They had roosters, lots of fun chairs and benches to sit in, and a supersized chess board. The laburnum arch was an incredible feature. It typically blooms around mother's day, and lasts for a couple of weeks. 

I would highly recommend making a stop at the flower house cafe, located on the nursery grounds. My mom claims it was the best mocha she has ever had, and I can also vouch for the chai tea. 

After our stop at Bayview, we went to Fort Casey for a quick trip up the lighthouse (open seasonally), and into the bunkers. Fort Casey could easily be explored for a whole day. 

We ended our day of adventure at the Knead and Feed in Coupville. This is a MUST stop on any trip to Whidbey. They have a small bakery with amazing pie and cinnamon rolls on street level, but you can also walk down a set of stairs and enjoy the sit down restaurant, with fairly standard dine
r food. We got our food to go, and ate a sunny picnic at a table right outside the restaurant. The stairs from the restaurant continue all the way to the beach, where we enjoyed more low tide exploration, including watching a bald eagle having a tasty snack.  

After our tasty lunch, we walked down the long pier to the end and checked out the huge sea animal skeletons hanging from the ceiling. On a past trip, we got a hot drink from Local Grown, which is at th end of the pier, and really enjoyed it. 

That concludes are wonderful day trip to Whidbey. 

Other recommendations: 
Ebey's Landing. A great rocky beach, as well as a short hike up the bluff for outstanding views.

Greenbank Farm. We only bought a pie from here, but it looked like a great place to explore.

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