Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Camping with little ones

In June, Ben and I took the kids camping for the first time. We've done cabin/yurt camping since the kids were little, but this was the first time at in actual campground, inside a tent.. all together. I was really nervous for the sleeping part. Our kids don't share a room and Maddie is used to sleeping in the total dark. That ended up being the easiest part of the whole trip! I think the kids were so tired after all the activities, that when it came time to sleep, they both crashed regardless of who was in the room.

The part that I was not expecting was how much work it took to prep, cook, and clean up from the meals. I did a lot of work beforehand measuring ingredients, chopping things, etc. but it was still quite a bit of work. Ben thinks my meals were ambitious for camping, but I'm not sure what I would have done differently. We decided it's best for us to camp with friends at this point to keep our kids entertained and to split up the cooking!

I found a great blog off pinterest with detailed packing lists. I went off of her lists for the majority of the packing. I'm happy to report that there wasn't anything we missed (besides diaper cream) while on the road.

In addition to the lists on the other blog, I also packed a bunch of fun toys for the kids. Here's what I brought:

 glow sticks- we never actually made it to see the night sky, but the kids still like playing with these at dusk. 
Water guns/balloons- the campground we stayed at had a water spigot, so we did some cool off water fights. 
Scavenger hunt - I found a printable bingo chart off of pinterest. The kids loved exploring and collecting. 
Puffy paint for rocks - we didn't end up doing this, but for older kids, I would totally recommend this activity. When I was growing up, painting rocks was by far my favorite thing to do!
Balls- lots of places to play catch and toss
Sand toys- Our campground had a beach that was walkable, so sand shovels and buckets were a must!
Chalk - the camp road was not busy at all, so the kids would draw while we were trying to get dinner ready. 
Binoculars - I bought these off amazon and they are great! Fun for playing i-spy

For food these were are meals: 

Muffins http://allrecipes.com/recipe/to-die-for-blueberry-muffins/
Pancakes and sausage http://www.finecooking.com/recipes/classic-buttermilk-pancakes.aspx

Chips, sandwiches /wraps, carrots , fruit 
Mac & cheese  


Hot dogs corn on cob 
Pizza (pizza was probably our most ambitious meal. We took the dutch oven and cooked it over the fire. It actually turned out!) 

Energy balls http://www.gimmesomeoven.com/no-bake-energy-bites/
Trail mix 
Applesauce cups
Freeze milk and water bottles to save room in the ice chest
Fruit leathers
Dried fruit
Campfire cones. We did this instead of smores. Colter doesn't like the mess of smores, so we gave him his uncooked and he LOVED it. http://www.cometogetherkids.com/2012/05/campfire-cones.html?m=1

So yes, camping was fun. .. especially for our 4 year old. I would totally take him again.. with friends  :) 

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